Tuesday, May 29, 2007

We're here and loving it!

Things I love about it... well, mostly fun weekends. We have had one great weekend and set our kids' expectations high.
The week got off to a rough start after finally making it to Idaho on Tuesday afternoon. A rough plane trip and late night made me grumpy and ever so pessimistic about this whole move.
Wednesday Troy informed me that he found a really great rental house and that we might look at it. I was a bit confused since last I knew we were building a house. But after a nice drive and some chatting we both agreed that our "dream house" was lacking a few major things and had some issues, like a crazy neighbor who was bent on making life miserable for people living in that development. So we opted out and now are the proud renters of a brand new house with a fenced in 1/2 acre backyard. It happened so smoothly and quickly that I can't help but think it was meant to be. It will be perfect. I am excited about it all...except mowing the yard (thankfully Kimball is stoked about that part).

Friday Troy left the office early and we were hanging out when we got a call from some old friends who said they were going up to Island Park to their cabin to play and wanted to know if we wanted to go. We hopped in the car and an hour later we were playing and the boys were experiencing the beauty of livng near the mountains. We fished Henry's Fork, hiked and biked (Kimball is a professional mountain biker now...he told me so). Later that day we took Kimball to a bike shop to pick out his birthday present (a new bike) and he was so sure that it had to be a mountain bike. He loved it at first sight and we came home with a fun bike for him. We have been biking ever since. On Sunday our dear friends from Utah came up to spend Memorial day with us and to help celebrate Kimball's birthday. We stayed up way too late and ate way too much but had a blast. Morning came and all the kids were ready to play. We all loaded up and went to Bear World (just south of Rexburg). It was so FUN!

For those that have never had opportunity to visit Bear World, it is a must-see attraction when you are in Eastern Idaho (which we hope you will be soon)!

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There are 50-something bears walking freely around the park (within an electrified fence, of course). When you drive in the park, the attendant at the gate gives you a stern warning to keep moving to prevent bears from climbing onto your car or biting your tires. It added some adventure to the whole experience.

At the end, there is a little petting zoo and some kiddie carnival rides. The kids had a great time chasing ducks, geese and miniature goats, and even petted a deer.

Untitled from Troy Peterson and Vimeo.

There were also swans in a little pond which got a little aggressive and started biting the kids' shoes while they were standing at the edge of the bridge.

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The cutest thing was the bear cubs - we had fun watching them wrestle with each other and clown around. The mood was light until Kimball informed us that they keep the bear cubs separate from the big bears so the daddy bears don't eat them. Our little man is 7, going on 27.

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For all those former Rexburgers out there, we even ate lunch at the new and improved Craigo's.

It was such a great day. Such a great weekend and it really will be hard to top.

So there you have it, our first week in Idaho...and imagine I thought it might be boring here.

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