Monday, September 10, 2007

First Frost!

A sad day has come in my life. The first frost of the season is here and my fear of winter time has officially set in. Who knew I was such a wimp? Who knew my blood ran thin? Who knew that Texas was the perfect climate for me? I have to be strong for my families sake but I am confiding in my new found blog. I am terrified of freezing to death this winter. Pray for me.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Surprises O' Plenty!

Ok! Ok! For all you family and friends who thought I was acting a bit weird...Yes, it's true. I am pregnant. We are excited for #4 and really not sure what to expect. Three has been a blast. We have enjoyed having a baby in the house so much, only Lauren is not much of a baby anymore. She would love a baby. I think that she would love a baby sister. The boys are hoping that is the case too. They say then she will stay out of their stuff and bug the baby instead. I am sure this will all come to pass. we are excited and I am a bit sick, but March is the due date. It's exciting! I am honestly hoping all my extra baby padding will help me weather this winter a little easier...since my blood still hasn't quite thickened yet.