Sunday, January 13, 2008

Winter In Idaho

Since the day we arrived in Idaho Falls last May, people have been warning us about winter. We heard all about the bitter cold, the deep snow, the lack of snowplowing, and the infamous volcanic dirt that they throw on the roads in place of salt. After the fifth or sixth time, we stopped paying attention. Now that we are in the throes of winter, we get it! We now know why people take their summer recreation so seriously here. It is super cold! But with the cold comes a lot of wintertime fun. The kids have been really happy playing in the snow - snow forts, snow men, sledding, snowballs - all the good things that come with winter. There is even an upside to the unplowed roads. Check out the pictures below to see what we mean.


La said...

Awe, Winter in Idaho.... can't say I miss it. Love the four-wheeler, brings back great memories. So have you guys upgraded the van?

Katie said...

Wow. Today was one of those 67 degree, sunny, winter days down here and we all played outside and soaked in the sun (without jackets!) until dinnertime. Evan and I went for a walk this morning, and I realized that even though I HATE Texas summers, there are some great perks to living here!

Fairbank Family said...

SOunds like you are really enjoying Idaho - seeing all the snow and fun makes me miss the snow - a little!