Tuesday, May 20, 2008

1 step forward and 2 steps back

Today is day two of potty training Lauren. I find it a bit sad that I already have put her back in her diaper. After numerous accidents and amazing tantrums I gave up. When the diaper came out she clapped her hands together and cheered "Yeah Diaper!" What do I take of that? She is so stubborn. Troy thinks I have met my match...what is that suppose to mean?
Anyway, today is one of those days where you take one step forward and then everything unravels and you are two steps behind in the end. For example. I thought I would be a good mom and take the kids for a fun walk...(Truthfully, I just hadn't gotten to washing the upholstery in the car since Lauren threw up last night in it and it still was too stinky for me to drive without adding to the smell myself)... Lucy wouldn't stop being fussy so I strapped her into the baby Bjorn, Lauren wanted to ride in the stroller so I pushed her...for about 5 min. then she decided she was done rididng. We were far enough away from our house and late enough with picking Cole up from kindergarten, that there was no turning back. We barely made it to pick him up with Lauren crying from being rushed from picking all the millions of dandelions along the way.(Hasn't anyone heard of weed and feed)? Lucy was semi asleep with an occasional cry from the sun shining right down on her poor head. Cole freaked out when he came out of school insisting that he Hates walking apparently I chose a bad day to take a walk, and he refused to walk all the way home. We only live maybe ten min. from the school (walking time). So, with two kids complaining about 100 yards behind me, one baby crying and one really grumpy mom we set off for home. I laugh now thinking about how much I was wishing someone would drive by and rescue us. Actually, my wonderful next door neighbor did drive by and then stopped and backed up and offered the kids a ride. I know she was inspired and I was grateful. So the moral of this story is that the next time you see someone out for a walk don't hesitate to offer them a ride, you never know.
I know I am complaining but actually this is my crazy life and after a day or two I can look back and laugh at all the madness that goes on every second of every day. I am sure this hit home to a few of you and you are laughing to yourselves. If so good, I am hoping something good came of all this.

I am hoping this will be one of many posts for me but honestly there is no promises!
Lots of love from Idaho.


Kaylyn said...

I definitely giggled at this post but not because I understand, it was more because I really do love those little kids of yours! I can totally picture Lauren stopping for every dandelion and Cole saying "I HATE walking". Thanks for the update though, I miss you all and love you!!!

tami said...

I have had so many similar days that I can agree with every word you said! Though I'm sorry you had a rough day, it's nice to know I'm not alone. :)

We need to get together soon!

Scott and Andrea said...

Apparantly Lauren and Elena are related because I starting trying to potty train Elena when whe was 18 months old. She still isn't potty trained and has absolutely no interest in becoming so and she is now 31 months old. Allie has started walking home and if the weather is bad enough I pick her up. Well some days I'm in trouble for picking her up other days I get in trouble because I didn't pick her up. If you figure out how to read their minds, let me know!

Megan said...

Totally laughing at Cole saying "I HATE walking." He cracks me up. Did you see my post of your ruggedly handsome boys on our hike? Let me know if you want me to email them to you. They were SO fun. I'm excited for the next time we see you guys. It's always a treat for me!!

The Stars at Night...Deep in the Heart of Texas said...

Ha! I can just picture you there slehping home with grumpy children in tow. Aghh, misery loves company, thanks for the smiles. Miss you though.

Katie said...

I had to laugh after all the times I have half-dragged Megan to the school to pick Brooke up. I happen to think walking is GOOD for us, and she just HATED it. Finally, this year she doesn't complain because she only has to go one way and then I get to drop her off at school, but I can't believe I pushed her in stroller as long as I did, because before I had Evan I could push her and she just insisted on it. Kids are so funny . . and after a few days you can quit being mad at them and laugh.

We sure miss you like crazy. Every time the kids hear Mike talking about how he wants to quit his job (regularly), they always say they want to move to Idaho (because they want to live next door to your family). So when you decide where you are going to buy a house, and when Troy finds Mike a job, let us know!

Love ya!

The Farnsworth Family said...

SO happy to hear an update and it made me laugh because we have had so many similar days. We live super close to the school and Chase still complains his toe hurts or his legs won't walk anymore!! I am so glad you can look back and laugh because that is only thing you can do with days that are poopie! Picturing your kids do those things makes me miss you muchos! At least the weather is good enough to get out :) What a fun summer you have ahead of you with perfect weather in Idaho. Things are crazy for us here with the move, but I want to chat soon. Love ya!