Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Kimball!

Eight years ago today I was gripping the passengers side handlebar and doubling over in pain ever min or so while Troy drove like a crazy mad man all the way from Island Park Idaho to Utah. Our wonderful friends Rob and Erin sat in the back timing my contractions and reminding me to breath. Needless to say I cut our trip to Island Park over Memorial Day short by going into labor early. We welcomed Kimball into our family that day and have been thankful ever since then for this wonderful child in our lives.

Kimball is our little man. We called him that from the begining. He was two going on twenty five. He was the perfect baby and we didn't understand what everybodies deal was with their crying kids and why they couldn't figure it out, untila we had other children. We get it now! He never spoke in baby talk. Only full sentences from the begining and all about work trucks and working hard. I have never met a kid that likes to work outside and work hard as much as he does. He looks forward to cutting the grass (before we let him mow the lawn with the lawn mower he use to cut it for hours with sissors) and all the snow storms we have and shovels our walk and all our neighbors before school each time. He lacks a healthy fear when it comes to hiking and heights and loves all outdoor recreation. He is a very matter o fact child...if it is 8:12 and you say 8:15 he corrects you. He likes things exact. He keeps us smiling and loves to update us on the news and any other interesting fact that he happens to come across that day. I love his desire to choose the right. He tries so hard to make the right choice and I couldn't be prouder. Kimball is the best big brother a boy could ever have...according to Cole. (sometimes I think that it is the other way around). Kimball and Cole are very blessed to have each other and I love to hear Kimball read to Cole at night and explain things to him. I love seeing Kimball's desire to learn and read increase each month and how he is growing into a true little man. We are so proud of you and love you. Happy Birthday!


Katie said...

Happy Birthday, Kimball. We miss you every day! Love, Brooke, Megan, and Katie

La said...

Happy Birthday Kimball!!!

Megan said...

This made me tear up...I remember thinking when Kimball was smaller that he must be the smartest kid in the whole world, but maybe I was biased because I was his aunt. The older and smarter he gets, I think I've got a pretty objective opinion. We sure love you, Kimball!!

Kaylyn said...

I am with Megan, this made me cry too. I love Kimball so much and he will always be my little man! I am so sad that I won't be at his baptism next weekend! I am proud of you! Love you!!

The Stars at Night...Deep in the Heart of Texas said...

I love Kimball! He such a nice boy. And two posts within the same month, Jamie your outdoing yourself!